Are you a head coach that wants to take control of the further development of this fast-growing club? Do you have the right skillset to guide this committed team to the next level of Dutch Rugby? The 1st team of Rugby Club Zwolle is performing in the top of the 2nd division for the last three years and is eager to promote to the 1st division. Together we can make it happen!

Rugby Club Zwolle is growing the last few years. In a period of five years the membership numbers have doubled and so has the quality on the field. There are 2 men’s team with a 3rd on the way, a woman’s team that has been undefeated since October 2018 and promotes to the 1st division next season. Also, we have youth members in every category. The next few years young talent is coming through to the senior teams both (m/v). The men’s 1st and 2nd team are both aiming for promotion in their leagues next season.

What are we looking for?

  • You recognize our values as if they are your own (TheZwolleWay)
  • You are focused on the target, but keep the club vision in mind
  • You can develop players on and of the field
  • You can motivate and guide players, (other) trainers and coaches
  • You are becoming a level 3 coach or have relevant coaching history and experience
  • You can manage expectations and have a great people skill
  • You are willing to build a professional relationship with the club

What will we ask you to do?

  • Be responsible for training of the 1st team
  • Be the head coach of all matches of the 1st team
  • Be willing to help develop other trainers within the club and help them build their training sessions
  • Be responsible for the pre-season training (Men, woman and colts)
  • Advice the technical committee on youth development and senior player development

If you are this person then we can offer you a great group of players to work with, a warm culture and a suitable compensation.


Can you bring Rugby Club Zwolle to the next level? Contact us at

Download: Vacancy headcoach RC Zwolle


Zwolle blijft op koers

Zwolle – 3/10/2010
Volgende week 10 oktober moet Zwolle op bezoek bij de ijsselburen Deventer, die kampioenaspiraties hebben en dus een directe tegenstander van de heren van Zwolle zijn. Vandaag werd er een generale repetitie gespeeld om volgende week te kunnen pieken in Deventer. Misschien waren de heren wat nerveus, want her en der had Zwolle wat moeite met de bezoekers uit Heerenveen. Maar desondanks wist Zwolle wel de punten binnen te halen. De voorwaartsen van Zwolle lieten zien dat de trainingen hun vruchten afwerpen, want Zwolle domineerde op dit gebied.
Foto: Daniëlle van Eerden

De heren van de lijn, lieten het soms afweten en gaven daardoor iets teveel balbezit weg. Heerenveen was echter niet in staat om hier wat mee te doen en de heren van Zwolle veroverden keer op keer de bal terug. Mede hierdoor wist Zwolle toch vijf keer te scoren en daarmee ook het bonuspunt binnen te halen, eindstand 31-0. Zwolle staat hierdoor nog steeds zonder puntverlies aan kop en is daarmee goed op koers. Volgende week een schepje erbovenop, wanneer er gestreden gaat worden tegen Deventer!


  Zwolle 1   Zwolle 2   Hanzeladies  
Totaal wedstrijden sinds: 10-9-06 80 13-9-09 23 17-9-06 63
Totaal wedstrijden gewonnen  55% 44  26% 6  59% 37
Totaal wedstrijden verloren  45% 36  74% 17  41% 26
Totaal wedstrijden gelijk  0% 0  0% 0  0% 0
Hoogste score voor 5-9-10 Wrotters 92 10-3-10 RCO 120 22-3-09 Delft 97
Hoogste score tegen 1-10-06 GSRC 92 26-9-10 RCO 121 12-11-06 Bassets 85




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