Dale Lyon Head Coach RC Zwolle

Rugby Club Zwolle proudly presents the arrival of Dale Lyon as head coach from next season (19/20). Dale will be responsible for the entire player group and will focus primarily on the performance of Men’s 1, who are now in the top of the 2nd Division for a number of years. With the arrival of an experienced trainer / coach we expect to be able to continue the development as club. And be able to grow with all teams to a higher level. Dale is from Scotland and has years of coaching experience at various clubs. Dale has been Director of Rugby at Edinburgh University for 9 years, where he has helped the student teams with his coaching techniques and also received the Coach of the Year Award in 2008. After finding his love in the Netherlands, he now lives on this side of the North Sea and we have found him willing to share his knowledge and skills for Rugby Club Zwolle. We give Dale a warm welcome and look forward to the new season!

Picture at Clubhouse RC Zwolle (from left to right: Rising star Ibe Crooijmans, Club Secretary Jules Crooijmans, New Head Coach Dale Lyon and Head TC Neville Andrews.

With the arrival of Dale, we also get more opportunities to give sufficient attention to all teams within the club. The board is very happy with this development and has taken the opportunity to give Neville Andrews the lead in the technical committee at Rugby Club Zwolle. In addition to his commercial activities, Neville will focus on the internal organization of our trainers and coaches.

And now??? Currently the season is over and we only have (beach) tournaments in the pipeline. For enthusiasts, a ball is thrown on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Agnietenplas or in Wezenlandenpark. From July 1st we offer everyone on Tuesday and Thursday at 19:30 (members and non-members) a cross-fit workout in the Wezenlandenpark, to show up fit at the start! Tuesday July 30th the pre-season training sessions will start with Dale on the field of Rugby Club Zwolle at the Marslanden sports park.

Feel free to join us and be part of ‘The Zwolle Way’

Rc Zwolle wint ijssel derby!

Er ligt een extra lading op de wedstrijd wanneer er bekend wordt dat onze thee drinkende rugby vrienden uit Deventer langs komen. En zo niet minder deze zondag 18 oktober. Hoewel het eerst onzeker was of het 2e van de Pickwick players uit Deventer voldoende mannen beschikbaar had voor de wedstrijd, kwamen zij gelukkig met 15 man opdraven.

Het was perfect rugby weer. De regen had er voor gezorgd dat de mat, hoewel voor sommigen wat hobbelig, er perfect bij lag. De temperatuur was goed en het veld glad. Kortom de perfecte omstandigheden om lekker veel te scrummen.

De kick-off was om twaalf uur. In afwachting van de bal floot Michiel van Koeverden om precies tien over twaalf voor de start van de ijsselderby. En Pickwick kickte voor de opening van de wedstrijd.

Een geduchte tegenstander

Afgelopen weekend ging Zwolle eropuit naar het noorden, zijn tegenstander Drachten; Waar veel historie en emotie aan kleeft, een geduchte tegenstander die al enkele jaren meedraaien boven in de 3de klasse.

*Sun’s out, guns out…maar waar is de focus?*

Wedstrijdcondities: kort gemaaid gras en zonnig!
Referee: onze huisref Michiel van Koevorden
Bertram Dayne Jos
Gerard Jules (c)
Lucas Arjan Mauricio
Laury Bart
Jermaine Neville Daan Jaap

Ingekomen subs: Joop (#1) – David (#2) Michael (#11) Simon (#4) Vincent (#6) Maarten (#14, Jaap naar #9)
Ongebruikte subs: Johan – Rik – Bjorn – Thieu